Address Rechov Harav Uziel 19
Beer Yaakov 70300
Contact Number 08-9162038
Chairman Mr. Gershone Ben Shmuel Tal
Deputy Chairman Mr. Noah Ben Eliyahoo Dhokarkar
Secretary / Treasurer Mr. Shimi Ben Gershone Tal
During 1969 around 24 Indian Jewish families made an aliyah and moved to Beer Ya'acov. Initially, they prayed at a primary school which was in their proximity. There were occassions when they even prayed under a shed near a water tank/tower.

In the year 1974, Mr. Elieazer Mashilkar, Mr. Nathan Chordekar and Gershone Tal along with others took the lead and decided to build a synagogue for the local Indian Jewish community.

It was only in the year 1978 that the corner stone was put by the then local council leader Nachum Itzkovitz. The half of the expenses were borne by a generous donation from an anonymous from abroad while the other half was local donations.

The synagogue was finally inaugurated on 10th August 1980 with grand celebrations. The ladies section was added in the year 1985 and the hall in the year 2000.