Indian Jews (Baghdadi) from Nagpada, Mumbai immigrated to Israel in 1949. They were sent to Moshav Hodaya. In 1951 they came to Mabara En Ha'Mifratz and later moved to Kiryat Bialik. For the first three years they held the prayers in a wooden shed (Tzrif) they named BETH-EL synagogue.

In 1955 an Indian lady named Ragina Eni came to Israel from London and donated them money with which they bought land to build a synagogue. She wished to name the synagogue on her husband's name - Kelly Yakov Eni. The request was acceptable to everyone. Every Indian Jew in Kiryat Bialik took a loan of 50 Lirot from the bank and donated the amount towards the construction of the synagogue. They all worked together, day and night, to build the synagogue.

Later on came Mr. Alfred Moses from Calcutta to Kiryat Bialik and offerd a donation to build the ladies section on three sides of the synagogue, just like in Magen David Synagogue at Byculla, Mumbai.
Late Mr. Abraham Sofer and Mr. Jacob Zevulun trained the choir boys to sing on happy occasions. The intention was to bring together all the Indian Jews from the area to pray with tunes and customs from back home. All the Chazans were Indian Jews such as Late Mr. Abraham Elliyahu (Moray), late Mr. Isaac Cohen (Jury), late Mr. Jacob Bar Sinai (Barzani), late Mr. Ezra Binyamin (Mamo), late Salah Isaac Samuel (Mamusalah), Mr. Mordechai Sofer, Aharon Barsinai and Abraham Barsinai.

Kelly Yakov Eni                                                                  

       Kiryat Bialik
Address Rechov Simtat Asher 2,
Kiryat Bialik, Israel
Contact Number 04-8772072
Timings Winter - 17:30 to 19:30
Summer - 16:00 to 18:00
President Ezra Eliyahoo
Chairman Eyal Mordechai
Secretary Azoori Ezra
Treasurer Avi Efraeem
Hazan Isaac Salah & Moshechai Elias

In Kiryat Bialik Baghdadi, Bene Israeli and Cochini Jews all pray together. The members of the first committee were: Mr. Eliyahu Ezra, Mr. Jacob Zevulun, Mr. Ezra Sofer, late Mr. Menashe Daniel and late Mr. Yosef Zevulun. Mr. Eliyahu Ezra, now 76, is still active. He teaches all Bar Mitzvah boys, also from other communities Maftir and other prayers in Indian tunes. In "Kelly Yakov Eni" synagogue they have five Sefer Torahs from India and another 37 are donations by members of the congregation in memory of their beloved ones. Today the young generation consisting of Sachi, Shlomi, Ezie Makmal, Shimon Mordechai, Ezie Khudeda and Eyal Mordechai conduct the prayers along with two veterans Mr. Isaac Salah and Mr. Moshe Chai Elias. Shacharit, Minchah and Arvit prayers are conducted everyday as well as the Shabbath and High Holidays. In the synagogue compound there is a pond donated by the Barzani family, with running water and small fishes. Here Tashlich prayers are conducted.
The main gate named "Shaar Izhak" was donated by the community of Indian Jews. The entrance door to the synagogue was donated by late Menashe Daniels, wife and children. The main entrance door was donated by Ruti Binyamin in memory of her late father Hazan Ezra Binyamin. The synagogue is decorated every year for Simchat Torah the way it was done during the days of late Nissim Pinhas and Swamy Zevuloon. Just outside the synagogue is a big hall fully equipped for happy occasions as well as memorial get-togethers. They also have a large collection of prayer and law books. Sermons conducted are always on religious topics and study of the Torah. The first Shamash of synagogue was late Ezra Kadoori followed by late Yosef Zevuloon (Abu Eliyahoo).

Non-Indians from the surrounding area also celebrate Brit Millah, Bar Mitzvah, Shabbath Chatan and memorial services in this synagogue. These synagogue activities are run by donations only. The synagogue has a seating arrangement of 130 women and 250 men. There are a few Bene Israel families: Jhirad, Aptekar, Penkar, Kasukar, Malyankar, Dudkar, Nagaukar, Kevin Moses (Pingle). All members taking part in this holy mission are honorary members.

During the last few years Mr. Joel Samuel Jhirad has taken lot of interest in the synagogue and community activities. He collects donations for the synagogue from Israeli residents as well as from overseas. Mr. Jhirad provides all information about Bene Israel social activities, Hodiyada (Indian Jews get together held yearly) and also arranges Indian programs for the Synagogue. He is also a representative of Indian community of Kiryat Bialik in Indian Embassy.

On 21st March 2012 a grand celebration was held when the two of the three missing Seferi Torah's were returned to the hekhal of the synagogue. The third one has also been located and donated to a museum in United States. These Seferi Torah's were brought from Mumbai India, when the Bhagdadi Jewish community migrated to Israel.