The idea to set up this synagogue was born on 15th December 1987 during the general meeting organized by the Indian Jewish community residing in Yavne. On 9th January 1988 a committee was set up with eight active members comprising of David Nir (Chairman), Binyamin Shapurkar, Yosef Dhokarkar, Tsadok Solomon, Shimshon Bhonkar. The other three members of this committee are no more amongst us Late Hannokh Waskar, Late Eli Masilkar and Late Peres Cheulkar.

The Magen Shlomo Synagogue that is in Ramot Weizman in Yavne (West) was not sufficient for the congregation during festivals. Secondly, it was inconvenient for the approximately 40 families that stayed in the eastern side of Yavne to attend the prayers – especially for the young children and elderly people. Due to these reasons, decision was made to set up another place of worship for the Indian Jewish Community residing in this part of Yavne.

Magen David                                                                          Yavne
Address Rechov Har Sinai 2, Air Raid Shelter No. 2
Contact Number
Chairman Mr. Yoseph Hannock Awaskar
Secretary Mr. Eli Shimshon Bhastekar
Treasurer Mr. Amit Bension Daniel
Hazan Mr. Siyon Meir Kandlekar
Initially, an Air Raid Shelter at Rechov HaGilboa was received from the local Municipality on temporary basis. This place was immediately renovated, required furniture was arranged. Donations were received from all parts of the country. Maadi Moshe acted as a Hazan. (Late) Haaim Rajpurkar of Carmiel was invited to lend him support during festivals. The name of the synagogue was selected after carefully considering several proposals. Later a land around 550 square meters of land along with the Air Raid Shelter was received to construct a synagogue in future.

On Thursday 4th Sivan 5748 (19th May 1988), a day before Erev Shavuot, Sefer Torah was received from Magen Shlomo Synagogue, Yavne. The Sefer Haftarah was received on Sunday 2nd Elul 5748 (14th August 1988). The Arvit prayers were held followed by dinner and Torah studies upto 3:00 am next morning after which the Selihot prayers and Shaharit prayers were held.

David Nir managed the synagogue efficiently for 10 long years after which Yoseph Hannock Awaskar took up the responsibility. This decision to hand over the position was made during the general body meeting held on 15th November 1998. (Late) Yehuda Belkar replaced the beloved Hazan, Moshe Maadi who shifted to Ashdod in the year 1996. Yehuda Rajpurkar and Bension Daniel assisted the new Hazan.

In the year 2003 the synagogue was shifted to Rechov Har Sinai in the Air Raid Shelter where it stands now and the land where the committee intends to construct the permanent building. Permission to construct on 130 square meters of land ha already been received from the concerned authority. The cost towards its construction is expected to be around 560,000 Israeli New Shekels. Those who wish to contribute towards the construction of this new building may contact the committee at the synagogue address.