A group of Indian Jews immigrated to Israel in the year 1968 and settled in Petach Tikva. This group consisted of quite a few number of Orthodox Jews. They did not have a synagogue for collective prayers in the vicinity. In order to fulfil their strong desire and love for it they hired a small hall and started conducting Shabbath prayers.

Every Friday they used to arrange cupboards for Sefer Torah, chair and tables for the congregration. On Saturday after Motsai Shabbath prayers all the furniture was again put aside. They made several requests to the Mayor of Petach Tikwa for a permanent place where the regular prayers could be conducted. Each time the Mayor promised but never kept up to it.

For number of years the services were conducted in the colony shelter, after which a room was alloted in 'Matnas' (Community Center). That generation could not fulfil the desire of having a synagogue for themselves. The next generation committee took the reins in their hands in 1990 and accepted the challenge. They went to the Mayor of Petach Tikwa and fought for their right to get a synagogue for their own community. Finally, they managed to convince the Mayor and got a plot where the synagogue is situated today.
Sha'are Achdut                                                                           Petach Tikwa
Address Rechov Zamanhoff 10,
Petach Tikwa
Contact Number  
Chairman Ashton Jacob
Secretary Rahamim Michael
Treasurer Ezekiel Kurulkar & Jafet Dighorkar
Hazan Avidan Vered
The next major step was to collect donation so that the synagogue could be constructed. Donation was collected and the construction started. Soon it was revealed that the foundation of the building was sinking. The foundation strengthening exercise started but the donations received were not sufficient to go ahead. The construction work came to a temporary halt. Meanwhile, efforts were made to collect more funds from the Indian Jewish community. For nearly three years the project was freezed.

A new committee was formed which took the responsibilty to make sure that the dream of having a synagogue for the Indian Jewish community in Petach Tikwa comes true. They went from town to town, door to door to collect donation. Major contributions came from residents of Lod, Ramle, Ashdod, Kiryat Gat, Yavne and Dimona. Apart from other donations contribution of employees of Israel Aircraft Industry is also worth mentioning. The building was finally completed in the year 1995. Slowly and steadily, the donations trickled in. With these donations Hekhal and Tebah were given a new and attractive look, new Torah and furniture was purchased. Today, community members from surrounding areas, in large number attend regular prayers.