Tiferet Bene Israel                                                                    Dimona
Address Patra 11, Shkhunat Mamshit,
Contact Number  
Timings 19:15 to 20:30 Sunday to Thursday
Chairman Hannoch Aptekar
Treasurer Yehoshua Mashilkar
Hazan Hannoch Aptekar & David Aptekar
For over 10 years several Jewish families of Indian origin residing in the remote Mamshit neighbourhood did not have a synagogue of their own. Few of the community members started going to a nearby synagogue that was conducting prayers with Moroccan style. Due to the long distance it was difficult, if not impossible, for the congregation to attend the prayers with Indian customs and tunes that they were familiar with.

After years of hesitation four friends: Hannoch Aptekar, Yehoshua Mashilkar, Daniel Pezarkar and Oren Shmuel, took the initiative of convincing the local government body to grant permission for opening a synagogue for the Indian Jewish community in the nearby air-raid shelter. Upon several aincere attempts the local municipality offered the place. Thanks to Ofer Talkar, the then Deputy Mayor.

The place handed over was in a shabby condition. These four leaders of the local community with their strong belief and commitment made all efforts to go ahead and set up the beautiful synagogue. They faced a lot of diffculties but did not give up. Their efforts paid off. Donations were received from local residents. Donors came forward from far and near towns/vilages and made their contribution.
The local community members of Indian as well as non-Indian origin offered their special love to this holy mission in every possible way according to their specialization. Some helped in cutting unwanted trees and shurbs that had grown at the entrance of the shelter, others in setting up electric installations, coloring the walls and roof, plumbing work and so on. It was a perfect teamwork.

Slowly and steadily, the place got its facelift. Among other donations were the Haftara, Hekhal, prayers books and chairs. The chair of Eliyahu the Prophet is just incredible. Contributions were received from the Jewish community as far as in India in the form of beautiful Hannukiah and several religious frames.

The Sefer Torah has been temporary given by two local synagogues: ShaAre Shamaim, ShaAre Tefilla until the synagogue acquires its own. After all the hard work, finally the synagogue was inaugurated on 22nd February 2007 (4th Adar 5767). Among the distinguished guests were Meir Cohen - the Mayor of Dimona, Ofer Talkar - Deputy Mayor of Dimona and the Rabbi of Dimona Itisk Elephen. Today, people gather for prayers on regular basis in a large number, irrespective of their country of origin. Due to its proximity and love for this synagogue, many Jews have started following religion strictly. The Hazan, Hannoch Aptekar also teaches Torah and prayers to youngsters as well as elders. His only aim is that the young generation learns the special sweet Indian tunes and songs and carry forward the custom and tradition forever.

The committee members make every effort to ensure that the site is managed in the most proficient manner.